Introduction Personality rights refer to a person’s ability to safeguard his or her identity in the context of a property or privacy right. Celebrities value these rights […]
Introduction Personality rights refer to a person’s ability to safeguard his or her identity in the context of a property or privacy right. Celebrities value these rights […]
Introduction The media believes that it is their fundamental right to capture and publish all information about celebrities about matters of “public interest” or “public concern” that […]
Intellectual Property Right The rights and privileges accorded to persons over their creative works, such as innovations, works of literature, and artwork, as well as use of […]
Introduction India publicly acknowledged the importance of safeguarding and upholding intellectual property rights by signing the World Trade Organization agreement on trade-related aspects of those rights. The […]
Introduction The globalization has changed the world economy more drastically than any other thing. Markets all around the world has been specially targeted the most under the […]
INTRODUCTION The origins of trade mark law can be traced back to the industrial revolution in the 18th century which is when the world experienced an explosion […]
INTRODUCTION Copyright is a part of intellectual property rights and it means the exclusive right to do or to authorise others to do certain acts. The main […]
Introduction Cambodia is a member of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) since July 1995 and of the Paris Convention for Protection of Industrial Property since September […]
Introduction The objective of the Singapore Treaty is to create a modern and dynamic international framework for the harmonization of administrative trademark registration procedures. Building on the […]
Introduction The Philippines has laws and policies that generally support a conducive intellectual property (IP) environment, but enforcement is irregular and inconsistent. Several considerations are important for […]