An attempt to analyze the case study related to section 3 (k) of Patent Act, 1970 as follows: Accenture Global Service GMBH (Appellants) Vs Assistant Controller of […]
An attempt to analyze the case study related to section 3 (k) of Patent Act, 1970 as follows: Accenture Global Service GMBH (Appellants) Vs Assistant Controller of […]
This article focuses on the revocation proceedings which is one of the mechanisms available for annulations of Patents in India. 1. What is the revocation of a […]
In Teva Parenteral Medicines, Inc.; APP Pharmaceuticals LLC; Pliva Hrvatska D.O.O.; Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc.; and Barr Laboratories, Inc. (hereinafter referred to be as Defendants/Appellants/Teva) Vs. Eli […]
With effect from May 16, 2016 (effective date for Patent (amendment) rules, 2016), the provision of the expedited examination was introduced in the Patent system of India. […]
The once-powerful mobile phone companies BlackBerry and Nokia are in the headlines again, not for their new technological developments but because of their legal battle. The Valentine’s […]
Every day, a number of products are being invented all over the world, some cascading over the improvement of existing inventions, and the others, portraying a unique […]