Introduction A handful of forward-thinking communities have shown that increasing energy efficiency helps to preserve natural resources, improves a community’s resistance to the effects of extreme weather, […]
Introduction A handful of forward-thinking communities have shown that increasing energy efficiency helps to preserve natural resources, improves a community’s resistance to the effects of extreme weather, […]
Introduction In order to determine copyright infringement, the ‘substantial similarity test’ has routinely been employed by the US Courts. One such case is the case of Alfred […]
Introduction In the conventional sense, trademark law requires the mark to essentially be a word or a logo. However, there have been significant advancements in the interpretations […]
Introduction The term “trademark dilution” refers to the unauthorised use of, and/or application for, a trademark that is likely to damage an established mark’s distinctiveness. The issue […]
Introduction Today digital products and services are ubiquitous, and “Big Tech ” is at the heart of the modern economy all around the globe. According to a […]
Introduction Appellant “Knitpro International” applied for registration of the shape of a knitting needle in Class 26 in respect of ‘knitting needles and crochet hooks’. The image […]
Introduction In a significant judgement being M.M. Kariappa v. Advance Magazine Publisher’s Inc, the Karnataka High Court observed the importance of the consequences of a certain trademarked […]
Introduction The Plaintiff is engaged in the construction business and is the proprietor of trademark BURJNOIDA in class 37 (for building and construction services) as of February […]
Introduction When the companies were “originally founded, the only conceivable means to get a unanimous decision was by voting, which required the actual attendance of all members. […]
Introduction The decision was made in a lawsuit brought by Alphavector India Private Limited regarding the usage of its trademark “NINETY ONE/91” on bicycles. Because of their […]