Trademark A Trademark in relation to goods or services means a mark, design, or expression which represents a product or service of a source from the ones […]
Trademark A Trademark in relation to goods or services means a mark, design, or expression which represents a product or service of a source from the ones […]
Recently, the Network Enforcement Act, commonly known as NetzDG has taken full effect from January 2018 in Germany. The controversial law was passed by the parliament in June […]
Introduction Trademark is territorial in nature and is valid only at places where it is registered. The protection of the trademark ends at the end of the […]
Comparative advertising is also a form of advertising a product. When a person uses a competitor’s brand of a product to compare his brand for the same […]
What Is A Trade Dress? Trade dress means the packaging, visual appearance, shape, graphics, color combination which can be registered and protected from being exploited by the […]
Earlier a trademark used to get the status of a well-known trademark only after a long and tedious process of court proceedings preceded by a trademark infringement […]
Pre-2005 amendment of Patent law, product patenting to pharmaceutical substances was not acknowledged. The introduction of section 3(d) of the patent act has helped in preventing the […]
While developing a new idea as a product, pioneers naturally put a considerable measure of time into the innovative work of the product. They concentrate on building […]
The registration of a copyright is not mandatory in India. Copyright subsisting in the original literary, musical, artistic, or dramatic work as soon as it is expressed by […]
Trademark A Trademark in relation to goods or services means a mark, design, or expression which represents a product or service of a source from the ones […]