A Brief Analysis of the Google Antitrust Case

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The litigations initiated by the DOJ against Google constitute some of the most important antitrust actions within the last decade they focus on the company’s market position within search engine and digital advertising industries. Here’s an overview and key details of the case: DOJ antitrust case – Google – a glimpse. In October 2020, a lawsuit was issued by the Department of Justice of the States, along with 11 states against Google adding that the company has engaged in unfair competition to hold monopoly over searches and.search advertising. This case is viewed as being the largest legal case in terms of antitrust since the Department of justice went after Microsoft in 1998.

Key Allegation:

  1. Search Engine Dominance: The DOJ claimed that google has employed strategies in undertaking search services through exclusionary agreements and practices. These also include agreements with hardware companies like Apple to make Google its default search engine for devices including iPhone and iPad; revenue sharing agreements with browser developers and other companies to position its search engine at preferential positions.
    2. Digital Advertising Monopoly: By owning Search and the various tools for advertisement, Google dominates a massive chunk of the-online advertising sector. DOJ stated that Google abused its dominance in ad technology platforms to harm competitors and coerce advertisers into its platforms thereby expanding its dominance of the Internet advertising sector. The Justice department charged Google over monopolization of ad technology that was intended to compromise competition and coerce advertisers to embrace its platforms, further affirming its dominance.

Contracts èxclusionnaires.’ Justice department examined that part of Google’s contracts which sees rising of competitors as something of concern and reducing consumer choice as being against ant harmful competitions law. By such contracts, it is ensured that Google is the default engine installed and maintained on the majority of devices thereby restricting that level of exposure and access to users to rivals.

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[Image Sources: Shutterstock]

With respect to the issues that Google has been accused of they said it was legal under antitrust laws and was good for consumers. In this regard the company was keen to point out that its search engine is widely used on the basis of merit because it returns better results and on no account has it relied on anticompetitive practices. Google also said that competition is stiff in the technology sector and this was supported by the emergence of other firms such as Amazon, TikTok to name but a few which shows that Competitiveness is well and alive in the technology sector.

Case Significance:

This lawsuit is now falling under larger attempts by the U. S regulators to curb the influence of Big Tech firms. That mirrors the increasing concern from the Democratic party, as the Republican party, that regards above-listed companies as monopolies, have already expressed their concern.
Potential Outcomes:
1. Breakup of Google: A possible consequence could be that the DOJ attempts to interpose itself as a regulator by untying some of Google’s services, for example separating its advertising division from its search division.
2. Behavioral Remedies: The DOJ may seek structural relief, that is, behavioral measures like restraining Google from making certain forms of deals with device makers or limiting its ads.
3. Long-Term Impacts on Tech Regulation: The case could be used by the regulators to provide prototype for antitrust proceeding against the other Big Tech companies with the aim of redrawing the rules for the technology sector.

Author: Pillai Syamily, in case of any queries please contact/write back to us at support@ipandlegalfilings.com orIP & Legal Filing